Natural Health Hub
Bladder Health
Trigonitis: Symptoms, diagnosis and non-invasive treatments, including diet & supplements
Trigonitis refers to cellular changes to the lower triangular region of the bladder wall, an area known as the vesical trigone. The cause is not known, and medics will nearly always tell a patient that there...
Bladder Health
Bacteria strains which can cause a UTI
Urinary tract infections (UTI's) are likely to affect 50% of people in the course of their lifetimes. Untreated UTIs can result in serious complications such as kidney infection and long term damage to the kidneys....
Bladder Health
Radiation cystitis symptoms and prevention
Radiation cystitis is a potential complication of radiation therapy (when used to treat tumours in the lower abdomen/pelvic area such as radiation treatment for bladder cancer). Radiation Cystitis can cause symptoms that range from minor...
Bladder Health
Pseudomembranous trigonitis symptoms, diagnosis & reducing triggers
What is Pseudomembranous Trigonitis Pseudomembranous Trigonitis is the term used to describe squamous metaplastic changes of the bladder trigone. Such changes are present in up to 40% of adult females (<5% in men) It was...
Bladder Health
Male urinary problems, cystoscopy and hematospermia
This page, like the rest of our website, is provided for your information and is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice from a qualified professional. See your doctor for that. Although most...
Bladder Health
Using acupuncture to reduce painful interstitial cystitis - Amanda Banks & Paul Orchard
Actor Paul Orchard’s luck ran out soon after he played the part of Lucky in the movie Layer Cake alongside James Bond actor Daniel Craig. He underwent a medical procedure that, although successful, left him...
Bladder Health
Interstitial cystitis symptoms and treatments
Interstitial cystitis is a condition where the bladder is chronically inflamed causing recurrent pain and increasing the urgency and frequency of urination. Pain can be experienced in the pelvic area, perineal area or in the...
Bladder Health
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms, testing and prevention
What is IBS? Sweet Cures often hears that Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) ruins life on many levels. It is easy to see why this happens, partly due to the symptoms themselves and partly due to...